Edamame is young soybeans, usually still in the pod. Because the beans are young and green when they are picked, edamame soybeans are soft and edible, not hard and dry like the mature soybeans which are used to make soy milk.
Edamame is young soybeans, usually still in the pod. Because the beans are young and green when they are picked, edamame soybeans are soft and edible, not hard and dry like the mature soybeans which are used to make soy milk.
Soybean crops around the world have unique production cycles of planting and harvesting. United States (38 percent of world production) – Plant: Apr-Jun. Harvest: Sep-Nov. Brazil (25 percent of world production) – Plant: Aug-Dec. Harvest: Feb-May. Argentina (19 percent of world production) – Plant: Oct-Dec. Harvest: Apr-Jun. China (7 percent of world production) – Plant: […]
The soybean or soya bean is a species of legume native to East Asia, widely grown for its edible bean which has numerous uses. The plant is classed as an oilseed rather than a pulse by the UN Food and Agricultural Organization.